Important items to consider in preparation for pet retort zoning hearing:

  1. Verify zoning for the proposed location and confirm that a cremation chamber is allowed.
  2. Research all local pet crematories and document how long they have been in operation.
  3. The Pet Crematory owner should contact the neighbors directly via mail and in person to explain what is being planned. Whether there is already accommodation in the existing zoning or there is a request for a zoning variance this is a great way to measure the level of acceptance by the public which is needed in either case.
  4. If a public hearing is necessary, educate the board with cremation emission facts and federal/state laws. This will give the board the proper science of modern cremation and not pseudoscience found on anti-cremation websites.
  5. Research to determine if the Zoning Board and City Council officials are elected or appointed. This can become a factor especially during election years.
  6. During a zoning hearing, answer only the question asked with as few words as possible.
  7. Invite neighbors and friends to attend and voice their support.
  8. If zoning is in question, show examples of installations that are in similar environments along with pictures. Note that Cremation Systems offers decorative stack options that blend into the architecture of the building and/or neighborhood to eliminate esthetic objections.